Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg advised this year’s
graduating Harvard class to distrust “the idea of a single eureka moment”—that instance when “a lone thinker has a
groundbreaking epiphany.” In a June
11 New York Times article, Dr. John Kounios, author of The Eureka Factor, took issue with Zuckerberg's statement and inspired
this blog.
A eureka moment, also known as the ‘aha’ experience, is a sudden solution to a baffling problem that has plagued an individual for some time. Suddenly, the answer seems to appear from thin air or nowhere at all.
The Greek word eureka
actually means “I found it” and stems the days of ancient Greece, when
Archimedes stepped into his bath and noticed that the volume of the water
displaced was equivalent to the volume of
his submerged body. In his
joy, he raced through the streets crying, “Eureka.”
This leap of thought (also referred to as an epiphany) may
change the life of an individual, a nation or even the world. Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Sr., wrote, “A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s
Scientists, artists and philosophers have described their
eureka moments including Isaac Newton, who elucidated the theory of gravity,
Paul McCartney who composed many Beatles’ ballads, and the Buddha, who came up
with an explanation for human suffering.
(In earlier writings, I’ve described one of my Eureka
moments, as I broke out of my narcissistic shell to perceive that I was not indeed the center of the world. We
can only pray that our president will have this kind of eureka awakening).
Why, then, did Zuckerberg debunk these moments? My guess is
that he doesn’t fully grasp the experience. Certainly, eureka episodes don’t
happen overnight; they’re the culmination of time spent stewing on problems. Scientist Louis Pasteur, father of the
germ theory, discoverer of vaccination and pasteurization, clearly indicated
his understanding when he said, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” In his book, Kounios details the
typically long and arduous path toward the eureka experience, including the
stages of immersion, impasse and diversion preceding the aha moment.
In other words, hours to years of thought and discipline may
lead up to these joyful eureka moments. Much goes on in the brain beyond our
conscious awareness.
Although the eureka phenomenon has been a bit controversial,
now brain-imaging studies support its validity. These moments are associated with a burst of high-frequency
activity in the brain’s right temporal lobe. And the highlight is preceded by a
“brain blink” signifying that the individual has been less aware of the environment. These patterns aren’t seen during analytic thinking.
Interestingly, this brain pattern coincides with what some
of today’s great minds do to foster this thinking. Elon Musk, founder of Tesla
and SpaceX, cherishes moments of silence with himself in the shower. Bill
Gates, founder of Microsoft, spends a month by himself in a cabin. During these
solitary moments, they are less aware of the environment and open the an aha
Conclusion: Our minds commonly fall into the trap of
either/or thinking, but to solve our problems that loom ever larger and more
complex, we best embrace the full capacity of our brain that includes analytic
thinking and sudden insight. There
is no downside to the uplifting experience of a Eureka moment.
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