Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Power to Appreciate

Mother Nature is indiscriminate. What Hurricane Sandy destroyed, what she spared, was to a large extent, a matter of luck. Of course, houses and hospitals in the vicinity of rivers and oceans were more vulnerable. For the first time in the 275 year history, New York City’s flagship Bellevue Hospital was shut down. Patients had to be moved when fuel pumps for its backup generators failed and millions of gallons of water were pumped out of the basement.

 What lessons can be take from this devastation? Modern technology can tempt us to feel powerful and secure. Hurricane Sandy demonstrates that to a great degree we are subject to Mother Nature’s ways in spite of our brains and powerful computers.

That, of course, doesn’t stop us from continuing to try to outrun and outsmart her, but more than ever we need to live with an awareness of our vulnerability, with respect and awe for Mother Nature.

Conclusion: Technological advances can lull us into complacency and a sense of false security. We need to keep in mind the fragility of our existence and our vulnerability to Nature, and to realize the power we have to appreciate the positive of each moment.

Dear Reader, I look forward to your comments.

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