Monday, March 24, 2014

Time as a Road Map

When considering our relationship to time, it’s helpful to envision being on a road trip. Locating ourselves on the map of time can increase self-awareness. Are we impatient? If so, we’re revving up our motor, consuming energy, without going anywhere. Focusing on the internal environment of our thoughts and feelings can center us and reduce stress.

If we’re procrastinating, we can see the diversion as a detour (from the main road, destination or goal) and appreciate the journey, turning the negative of self-criticism to the positive of self-critique.

Depression, addiction or other disorders leave us caught in a dead end or cul-de-sac. If we can’t get back on the main road, we need to call for help, analogous to a road service call for a breakdown.

Conclusion: Locating ourselves on the (road) map of time can increase self-awareness and reduce stress.

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