Wednesday, June 1, 2022

To Appreciate or Not

In typing my journal each morning, I review the previous day’s events and my thoughts, reaction and responses to them. This morning happens to be Memorial Day, the day on which we remember and appreciate those who died in active military service, defending our country.  

Today, I become aware that I have to work to appreciate what I have rather than focus on what I may not have. In other words, I realize that depreciation comes more easily than appreciation. I don’t know why this is so. Curious, I explore the topic.

I think that appreciation is a more active process than depreciation, that unfortunately, emanates more naturally to many of us. We often seem to need some hardship to put us in touch with what we had, have, may have before we perceive both sides of the equation: to have, or to have not. 

As we emerge from the pandemic, we recognize the many ways we may have changed. Sometimes for the better; sometimes for the worse. If we’ve been spared physical illness or even worse, ongoing medical issues/problems as a result of covid, we might come out of the pandemic with a heightened appreciation for intimacy and social engagement. 

What we took for granted, we now embrace as an almost new-found privilege.

We were deprived of social get-togethers so now, the chance to see friends and relatives holds greater pleasure than ever. Dining in restaurants imparts a heightened sense of pleasure and appreciation. For me, attending gym classes, especially Nia dance, has imbued appreciation as well as patience. In pre-covid days, I was more often late to class than not. And I glanced at the clock impatiently wanting it to end. Now I arrive on time and delight in every minute and I’m more in touch with which muscles are called into action. I appreciate the togetherness of fellow dance mates, and it goes without saying that the instructor, Caroline, whom I always loved, I perceive with renewed gratitude for her dedication, passion and spirit that she exudes to all of us.  

Let’s consider this photo that I include in this blog. What do you see? 

For me, I view a masterpiece—the various shades of greens and browns and the variegated shapes, hills and valleys of its diverse patterns. But when you hear what it is you may experience disgust because it is mold. I call it Mold Masterpiece, which nature grew and imposed on old, cream cheese pushed to the back shelf of my refrigerator, where of course, I forgot it. Well, my point is that here is that this is an opportunity to note the dual reality, to appreciate or depreciate something in a harmless situation that implies no consequences in our daily lives.

How our choice to appreciate or depreciate impacts us on many aspects of our being—mind, body and feelings/soul—is a topic for another blog.

Dear Readers, I invite you to share your thoughts and feelings and look forward to your responses.


Jane Simon, M.D.

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