Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Personal Laws of Nature

Scientists have come to the conclusion that an unexplainable force is behind our existence. The atheist- physicist Fred Hoyle was forced by his observations to conclude that “a super- intellect has monkey-ed with physics” to cause the Big Bang, a miracle that created the universe.

Other scientists like Galileo, Newton, Mendel and Einstein spurred on by their belief in an order, have tried to explain the laws of nature, or how God manifests in nature. (For more details please refer to my blog of October 31).

Each of us can discover fundamental rules in our own lives. Here’s what I’ve garnered:  Participating in yoga classes instructed me about the power of balance, flexibility, and strength. I realized that these same principles can be applied to any life situation.

When I slipped on the ice several years ago and fractured my wrist,  (the only bone I’ve ever broken) I realized the fall was proceeded by a negative thought. I vowed never to place myself in a precarious position without consciously thinking positively (and continuously advise everyone to do the same). In other words, negative thinking throws us off balance. Positive thoughts serve to balance, heal, and help us problem-solve. Conversely, negative thinking is akin to being stuck in the mud and digging ourselves in deeper.

At this confusing time in our history, thinking positively, working toward solutions and maintaining hope (as well as praying—which I see as an extension of optimism and hope) can be especially important in caring for ourselves and others.

Dear Reader, I welcome your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I too believe that positive thinking is most important in preserving
    and healing our emotional and physical health.
    Forming a friendship with you has been a most positive, personal
    experience for me.
