Monday, March 23, 2015

Gratitude for Life’s Challenges

When I was 10 years old, my baby brother was born. This blessed event threw me into a state of emotional turmoil. Feelings of love and hate raced through my mind like a brazen cat chasing a nervy, intruding mouse.

I adored this exquisite little brother and longed to hold and care for him.  Simultaneously I resented his arrival; now I had to share my mother’s overstretched attention with him and three other siblings.

To confess to feelings of “hatred” was out of the question. In a quandary about what to do, I resolved to keep a diary on a small pad of paper hidden between blue plastic covers. In silent, secret letters, I could express taboo feelings and thoughts, raw emotions, feelings of love, pride and resentment, as well as record my brother’s milestones: the first day he sampled a banana, the morning he sat up by himself, the day he mastered his first steps.

The private confessor was magical in its ability to relieve distress, any time of the day or night. Giving form to these thoughts seemed to validate them and at the same time allow them to be tossed aside.

When I was 12 years old, my parents separated. Once again, the writing tool seemed like a life jacket to buoy me over a raging tsunami. I could acknowledge my thoughts without having to share my feelings and possibly exacerbate my parents’ tense situation.

I didn’t understand how jotting down thoughts converted into relief and a sense of power and control until years later I discovered the work of the great philosopher and psychologist William James. James viewed the mind/self as divided into two parts: 1. the aspect (of mind) that participates and registers the experience in the moment and  2. The (aspect of) mind that reflects on the experience after it has occurred. In essence the writing tool was an expression, an expansion of the observer.

James’ clarification of the mind split into experiencer and observer imputed an ability of power to control and the possibility of change. If a person revisited an event he might be able to see the role he played in it. Going a step further, she might perceive her potential to alter her behavior and affect a different outcome.

In the early days of civilization, we humans believed we were at the mercy of the Gods; they determined our fate. We couldn’t conceptualize that we could control our destiny, at least to a certain extent. But the course of human development has shown us that we possess the power to change. The reflecting/observing part of our brain imbues us with this potential.

Along the lines of James, David Brooks, The New York Times journalist, wrote a column about a  “sense of agency” (November 14, 2014) that applies to people who recognize the control they exert in their lives. These people hold the reins and steer their life course. (I realized that the writing tool places a person in the driver’s seat of her life, granting the ability to take charge.)  By contrast a person who lacks “agency” feels jostled about, acted upon by outside forces, similar to how we experienced life in the days of early civilization.

Another turning point came when I was 20 years old. I had just finished the first year of med school in Puerto Rico and had been living with my father and his family when without warning, he announced that I’d have to move out. What seemed disastrous at first, proved a great blessing.

At first, I thought about returning home to New York City, But I realized I’d be abandoning my goal to become a physician, and that I needed to reframe my approach to think more like a ballplayer, to keep an eye on the game in order to score. My goal was to become a doctor; my intention wasn’t to live with my father.

I was most fortunate to find human angels in my path. In searching for a place to live, I knocked on the door of the YWCA on Ponce de Leon Avenue in Old San Juan.  A kindly woman opened the warped, wooden door of the Y, a rambling unpainted structure that looked as if it might be blown away by the next big hurricane. I shall never forget Mrs. Rodriquez, a short, middle-aged woman with wavy, salt-and-pepper hair, a pixie face and twinkling brown eyes. When I explained my situation, she immediately recognized that I needed a quiet place to study and assigned me the only single room available. (Mercifully the Y remained standing for several years for which we residents were infinitely grateful.)

Once out of my father’s house, I was both frightened and thrilled to have freedom to come and go, no longer having to rely on Dad for transportation. Because of my pierced ears, brightly colored clothing and ability to enunciate Spanish phrases, I passed as Puerto Rican.  I basked in my newly- acquired identity. Gaining facility with the Spanish language helped me communicate with Spanish-speaking patients once I returned to the States.

Another miracle occurred when I met an American physician who was vacationing with his family in Old San Juan; he wrote me a letter recommending me to a medical school in Philadelphia where I could move to be closer to my mother and siblings.

In summary I’m grateful for what I’ve discovered in the face of some challenging  circumstances.
1. The writing tool and the ability to observe myself. 
2. To think like a ball player, to keep an eye on the goal to overcome obstacles.
3. The discovery of human angels who appear at unpredictable moments and add blessings, pleasure and excitement to the journey.

Dear Reader, I welcome your thoughts. 
You can also follow me on twitter:@js145

Monday, March 9, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey: from the Personal to the Political

Although some may confine their interpretation of Fifty Shades of Grey, the E.L. James novel and recent film, to the sexual realm, the story highlights the dynamic of domination and submission that pervades all our lives. The question of who wields power and who submits elucidates aspects of our personal relationships, world cultures, conflicts and wars.

According to the Bible, our story begins in Paradise with Adam and Eve. Their “heavenly status” required submission to God’s dominance. As long as they obeyed, they enjoyed His domain.  Ultimately, of course, they rebelled, ate the apple and lost some of the perks of that privileged relationship.

Metaphorically speaking, the experience of Adam and Eve isn’t unusual. Many people submit to domination in minor and/or major ways in order to reap the benefits, When they don’t follow the protocol, they risk a drop in status.

Fifty Shades of Grey focuses on the relationship between Christian Grey, a handsome, young billionaire, and Anastasia, an innocent college student. Anastasia enjoys the privileges and excitement as well as frustrations in her relationship to Christian Grey.

“I don’t do the girlfriend thing,” Grey says, exposing his peculiarity soon after they meet. His honesty enhances his appeal and arouses our curiosity. He explains the origins of his behavior; he was physically and sexually abused in childhood and adolescence.

Grey and Anna are locked in a battle to have their personal needs met. These clash, in essence, creating a clash of personal civilizations. Each wants sympathy and understanding. Anastasia desires closeness and intimacy. Grey needs to feel safe which he equates with (sexual) domination. Each attempts to change/manipulate the other to get more of what they want and need and less of what repels them.

As Anastasia experiences the tug of war between attraction and repulsion, she pushes toward resolution by inviting Grey to show her the ultimate “game.” Repelled by his brutality, she ends the relationship.

To turn to the real world, it is not uncommon to find households in which one parent dominates another. The power play in turn impacts the children.

 Ms. R., for example, was troubled by her mother’s submission to her husband’s  mind control. Nor did her mother stand up to him when he psychologically abused Ms. R.  Instead, she accepted domination in exchange for the perks of married life and peace with the man she loved.

Themes of power and control originate in our early lives and determine a great deal about the kind of person we become. For example, a 15 month old baby threatens to throw his bottle on the floor. “Oh no!” his mother says, laughing, trying to convince him to desist. He shifts the bottle out of her reach to the other side of the highchair. Threatening to drop it again, he experiences the thrill of power he wields over his mom.

 The “good enough” parent or caretaker plays along and enjoys this innocent game which in turn, grants the child a sense of play and power.  On the other hand, if the adult doesn’t grasp the nature of play, the child’s behavior may be viewed as a defiance of (parental) authority. In an extreme situation, the grownup may punish, even striking the youngster who may later come to equate the need to be violent with survival and safety.

In his new book Helland Good Company, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Richard Rhodes describes the early life of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.

“Franco was short, with small, girlish hands and a high-pitched voice... The school disciplined with physical punishment. ...He was bullied as well. He learned to hold a grudge. ...His school experiences compounded a childhood under an abusive father who beat his children while his unresisting wife ...stood by. Both home and school experiences preconditioned the boy for the violent socialization required of military men.” 

As an adult, Franco staged a coup in Spain in 1936 that started the Spanish Civil War and led to World War II. Longing to rule the world, Franco tried to join the German forces. But Hitler’s refusal to give him a portion of France proved a stroke of good luck that kept him out of WWII, and allowed him to rule Spain as dictator from 1939 until his death in 1975.

Conclusion: Feelings of power and impotence originate in childhood. The manifestations of this pervasive theme run the gamut from benign games to world wars.

Dear Reader, Your comments are welcome.