Monday, August 13, 2012

Roadblocks and Obstacles

Roadblocks like checkpoints on the highway require us to slow down or stop. They interrupt our journey. The term roadblock is a useful metaphor for a life event that requires our attention in order to continue. I refer to a roadblock in our minds as an obstacle. Our minds tend to exaggerate or minimize these.

To continue the highway theme, a skilled driver peers down the road as far as his eyesight allows. Likewise the person who lives his life with skill cares about  and tries to anticipate the consequences of his actions. (Bernard Madoff, the man behind the largest Ponzi scheme in history,  embodies the opposite of seeing down the road, blinding himself to the implications of his behavior, destroying thousands of lives including his own family.)
Roadblocks and obstacles are a tricky part of living. Bringing them to our awareness is vital to our creativity and our happiness. Knowing how to circumvent them  as good drivers find detours around barricades can also serve us well. Victims of heart attacks for instance recover faster when they minimize (the obstacle of )cardiac disease.
At other times, underestimating a road block can endanger our survival. For example, challenging a gun wielding mugger can leave us dead on the sidewalk.  Overestimating an obstacle like our limited experience can result in sabotaging a good job offer.
Conclusion:  Attention to roadblocks and obstacles is an expedient avenue to follow. Paying attention increases our awareness to the possibility of exercising judgment and choice.
Dear Reader: I look forward to your comments.

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