Tuesday, August 18, 2020

10 Sure Paths to Unhappiness:



1.      Expect more than can ever be delivered.


2.      Allow your mind to erase all your accomplishments.

(It is amazing how many minds I’ve seen accomplish

 this senseless, undermining task.)


3.      Focus on the negative and allow doom, gloom,

 and hopelessness to overrun and take over your neuronal pathways.


4.      Eat a lot of rich HD ice cream, instead of training your taste buds

to relish TJ’s delicious vanilla organic yogurt. (This is just one example

 of how you might wreck your health by failing to make disciplined choices).


5.      Failing to recognize how your creative brain is capable of manufacturing endless numbers

 of saboteurs that flummox your brain and obstruct your personal progress.


6.      Indulging in hours of “bad” news (fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, corrupt politicians)

 on the TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. especially immediately before bedtime.


7.      Forgetting to employ the great tool of curiosity to the world and everything and

anything in it.


8.      Putting all your hopes and dreams on the back burner.


9.      Forgetting that play and hard work go hand in hand.  Whether you express and/or appreciate humor

or farce or music, the visual arts, or great theatre, forgoing enjoyment can make you miserable.


10.    Forgetting that you must always attempt to rebound from setbacks. 

Each of us has our own hurdles; no one is immune from them, including royalty.