Tuesday, May 19, 2020

On Pondering the New Normal

A May 3 New York Times article quotes Jon Grinspan pointing out that “democracy” and “pandemic” share the same root— “demos,” Greek for people. What affects us all should reflect us all.  

Although we’re all in this pandemic together that potentially affects every aspect of our lives, the impact and ramifications of the disruption vary greatly among us.

Unemployment claims have zoomed into the headlines. Clearly those who’ve lost their jobs are worse off than the employed. In April the highest rate of unemployment was recorded since jobless tracking began in 1948, the highest since the Great Depression.

Furthermore, the inequities in the workforce are fully exposed: those who serve with their hands and bodies are more likely to come in contact with the virus than the computer-technically savvy who work with fingers and brains in virtual offices.

Families with small children and two working parents experience much more stress than a grandmother who has to take care of only her pets and plants.

Many teachers experience stress from online teaching and students from online learning and the loss of peer interaction.

We’ve had to rate essential services and cut out (like diseased organs) those considered non-essential—theatre, concerts, operas and museums and restaurants that add enormously to the quality of our lives—leaving thousands of actors and musicians and restaurant workers without jobs.

One of my clients bemoaned the reality that our nation is no longer a first world-power highlighted by the government’s response to the pandemic.  What has become blatantly apparent, is that we are now a third world power in light of the president’s response and anti-scientific attitude.  

Everything changed after 9/11, as prize-winning journalist Laurie Garrett points out. She is referred to as the pandemic Cassandra, after the Greek prophetess who issued dire warnings. She sees part of our current predicament as stemming from the fact that America has never been sufficiently invested in public health. Even so, she is shocked that America “isn’t in a position to lead the global response to this crisis, in part because science and scientists have been so degraded under Trump.”

The pandemic has underscored the inadequacies of our health system, and the relationship of health insurance which depends on one’s state of employment.

Siddhartha Mukherjee, physician and author of the best seller, The Emperor of All Maladies, comments that the medical infrastructure of one of the world’s wealthiest nations fell apart, “like a slapdash house built by one of the three little pigs.”

Andrew Cuomo suspended usual record-keeping requirements, which suggests that the EHR can be an obstacle to care. It focuses on obtaining reimbursement for services rather than transmitting vital information about patients. Nor do we have a standardized digital database of patient-care records, searchable across hospital and medical-care systems.

In the May 4th New Yorker, Dr. Mukherjee credits the clinicians, who in spite of having to “wade through the muddy slop of fake news” during this crisis, have made good use of twitter and Facebook, to cobble together an informal medical bulletin board for the pandemic.

Elisabeth Rosenthal, author of An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back agrees with Mukherjee. Summarized in a New York Times article, her opinion is that whether it’s run by government or motivated by new incentives, the system we need is one that responds more to illness and less to profits.

The pandemic has caused us to question the value of a college education. According to journalist Masha Gessen, the pandemic has shattered “the myth of college in America.” She points out that college education does not necessarily guarantee a clear path to the future.

On a more personal level, I’ve spoken to people now working remotely from the comfort of their homes who, in spite of fears about being infected, have felt relief since liberated from oppressive bosses and work environments.

On the other hand, I’ve worked with people who are more oppressed than ever, as the virtual work load has increased and the expectation that they will devote well over 50 hours a week to meet the demands. Grateful to have their jobs, and afraid of losing them, they comply.

I’ve spoken to mothers now juggling child care and turning out the same quality and quantity of work. (Daycare centers aren’t an option now, and they dare not allow the nannies to come into their homes.)

In addition, working parents have to be more involved in their children’s education as classes move online.

Instead of experiencing relief from their commute, the teachers are embroiled in phone conversations with students and parents and feel impotent to help the 30% of the students who remain unengaged in their schoolwork.

Some clients have temporarily dropped out of treatment because their lives have become monotonous and they decide they have nothing to talk about.

Others flock to therapy because they are anxious and depressed by the radical changes and uncertainty about where they’ll be, fearing they will be left stranded high and dry on an alien beach after the dangers of the pandemic recede like ocean waves.

What Should We Expect?
The April 3 issue of Boston Review quotes Alex de Waal: “Epidemics are inflection points in evolution across different scales, from the microbial to the planetary. The post-pandemic world is a changed ecosystem.”

At best, the outcome on many fronts is nebulous. How health, environment, and politics will intersect is unpredictable and renders the outcome unknowable. If Trump and his opinions prevail, the devastation will be greater.

Most of agree, however, that the pandemic is going to affect how we think about all kinds of things, and that life after we emerge is going to be different. The territory is wide open for speculation on many fronts. What changes will persist for years after COVID19? Which will be integrated to make up the new normal? Which will vanish entirely?

Although much about the new normal is now as unsettled as a muddy puddle, some major changes are apparent on the horizon.

Quite likely, some of us will continue to Zoom and work remotely from home at least some of the time.

How will the arts fare? Will theatre, concerts, opera ever recover their pre-pandemic grandeur?

Will the subway system still be shut down to allow the trains, stations and equipment to be disinfected? How will the resurgence of infection be prevented if we’re once again, packed like sardines in the subway cars? And how will these changes impact the homeless?

Nature has had a resurgence since fewer of us clog the streets,  sidewalks and parks. I see some brilliant-colored birds frolicking and singing loudly from their perches in the trees of Central Park. Some animals have dared to show themselves during lockdowns—
a fox in the middle of a London street. Will wildlife go into lockdown after we re-emerge?

Regarding the economy, few experts are willing to predict with much certainty the current behavior of the stock market. With GDP down on a par with the Great Depression of the 1930’s, what will a recovery look like? Will it be long or short? Some businesses are closing their doors forever. Will jobs be available for the unemployed?

Warren Buffet, one of the greatest investors of all time, assures us that our future is not all downhill as some of us fear during this Covid19 time. His viewpoint is unusual for an 89 year-old, since older people tend to be more pessimistic than younger ones.

We’re in the middle of a tunnel, he says, and gratefully, he is one who sees the light at its end. He believes that we will emerge from the darkness for the better. 

We’ll evaluate our use of mass transportation including the pros and cons of travel for work and for pleasure. (The thought of even a short ride on the subway arouses my anxiety).

We’ll attend business meetings with masks or perched behind plexiglass. We’ll question whether college Is a necessary and natural step for our high school graduates as well as question whether our kids should go out of state?

If the rich get richer by benefitting from this debacle, and neglect the welfare of everyone else, Garrett suggests that we could have massive political disruption. Massive unemployment may evoke collective rage.

Now the people celebrated as heroes are “essential workers”—doctors and nurses, grocery store clerks, bus drivers, mail carriers. But will we continue to recognize their importance and reward them accordingly?

(Tragically, after 9/11 the heroes of the day, the firemen and policemen suffered years of serious physical illnesses /cancers, chronic lung and digestive disorders. Those in power denied that their illnesses were directly related to exposure to the noxious chemicals that spewed into the atmosphere and inhaled into the lungs of the heroes who pulled the victims from the burning rubble.)

A New Era for Labor
Political commentator Andrew Yang says that we are going to be faced with a national rebuilding project at a scale that has never existed in our lifetimes. The biggest battle in politics now is over who will control that project, and who it will prioritize.

Writing this blog has helped me understand why many younger people rallied behind Bernie Sanders. Some of his points have special relevance now. Perhaps he failed because he wasn’t able to combine a style with his content that would appeal to the majority of Americans.

The time is critical for the essential workers and the unemployed to band with the young people, among whom are the Sanders’ supporters, to usurp some political power to bring about a more equitable political system: to guarantee accessible health care, childcare, and college or relevant job preparation, and environmental protection  (for the ecology, our water, our climate, our oceans and our animals). Andrew Cuomo has proved himself as savvy, sane and scientific, a savior in this time of turmoil. Hopefully, he’ll pursue and impose justice in the face of rampant political corruption and overt racism.

Conclusion: With many of our assumptions about the way our country works collapsing around us, we are going to be faced with a national rebuilding project that has never existed in our lifetimes, as Yang has said. The biggest battle in politics now is over who will control that project and whom will it prioritize.

Dear Reader, Please, feel free to send your comments. Jsimon145@gmail.com

Friday, May 1, 2020

Telemedicine (and me)

Telemedicine and telehealth have been with us for decades, but with the onset of the pandemic, it has become a vital tool, catapulting to the forefront of medicine. With the continued requirement for social distance, its use and acceptability are expanding at unprecedented rate. The availability of electronic equipment and reliable broadband, along with our ability to use them, are also contributing to increase. Long-distance patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote admissions are now possible.

Before this recent acceleration, telehealth/telemedicine had provided treatment to offset costs in rural settings, in situations where sufficient staff wasn’t available, or where transportation or immobility made in person treatment untenable. Now, NYU Langone books an average of 4000 telemedicine appointments a day.

Some organizations and countries distinguish between telehealth and telemedicine; Telemedicine specifically focuses on diagnosis and treatment; whereas telehealth includes communication between clinicians, and between facilities, home monitoring of patients through the transmission of health data as well as non-clinical applications like administration and provider education.

Practically every specialty can now partake in remote medicine, including surgery with the help of robotic assistants. It has proved useful for post-operative monitoring and care as well as telerehabilitation. (Of course, telemedicine’s limitations become obvious when a hands-on examination is necessary, like a yearly physical or a gynecological exam.)
Telenursing is also growing in many countries to treat the increasing number of aging and chronically ill population, to help with the nursing shortage, save time and costs and keep patients out of the hospital. As a result, nurses have reported greater job satisfaction. 
Telehealth facilitates medical disciplines to merge and improve the level of care. The everyday medical and psychological visits as well as those that extent beyond the quotidian. Trauma specialists can interact with personnel on the scene of a mass casualty or disaster via the internet to provide clinical assessments and determine the severity of injuries, and whether injuries warrant evacuation. Remote trauma specialists provide the same quality of clinical assessment and care as a clinician on-site.

Telemedicine is being used in some ICU’s to reduce the spread of infection and is especially useful in communicating among caretakers to relay information for patients’ care between day and night shifts.
The team of attending, residents, fellows, nurses, nurse practitioners and pharmacists are able to watch live video from a patient’s bedside, see the patient’s vital signs on the monitor, view settings on a ventilator, and assess a patient’s wounds. Video-conferencing allow the remote practitioners two-way communication with clinicians at the bedside.
Perhaps nowhere is telemedicine more effective than in psychiatry. Telepsychiatry has been a valuable tool for several years to deliver care to underserved areas. A few years ago, I attended an APA meeting where a young psychiatrist presented. She had designed markers to support the efficacy of telepsychiatry in treating a rural population. Her results were positive and her enthusiasm was impressive and contagious.

Telepsychiatry has been found to be as effective as face-to-face treatment. Since the pandemic, it has become the major method of treatment for diagnosis and assessment, medication therapy management and in-depth psycho-dynamic psychotherapy. And may be even better than in-person treatment for children, veterans and individuals with agoraphobia.
The change in living situations, necessitated by the pandemic has raised many profound issues and increased anxiety and depression for several of my patients who now require intense treatment. 
Telepsychiatry has another advantage of adding an extra dimension of making a home visit possible via Skype. One session focused on helping a woman-homemaker whose symptoms revolve around disorganization and clutter.
During an interview with a new patient (who was tense and hesitant to relate her history) the ice was broken when her cat wandered across the screen and evoked our mutual amusement.
Another patient, who had selected me as her psychiatrist because of my photo with my dog, was able to see him in my home office. 

The advantages of telemedicine are numerous and include:
1.Greater access to treatment improves patients’ health
2.Decreases time spent traveling
3.Cuts down on office costs 
4.Offers greater access to expert care 
      5.Helps to cut down on hospital time

6.Makes fewer demands on the healthcare system
With the possibility of self-monitoring, patients have a greater sense of control and may be more willing to stay on their treatment plans as they are more invested and included in the process. 
Remote monitoring or self-monitoring has been especially useful for managing chronic diseases or specific conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. And have been found to provide health outcomes comparable to traditional in-person visits.
But there are still barriers to wide-scale adoption, including:
The regulatory challenge of obtaining licensure across multiple states, malpractice protection and privileges at multiple facilities. (Although this consideration is also experiencing a great deal of flux.)
Resistance by government and insurance carriers to reimburse for the practice of telemedicine. 
The reluctance by physicians to change the way they practice.

With continued use and research regarding the efficacy of the vast possibilities in each medical specialty, the government and more insurers will cover the vast range of therapies that avail us all now through the ever-increasing availability of technology. 
Although its future in post-pandemic days is uncertain, many experts agree that this valuable tool will be integrated and used more widely than before the onset of social distancing.
N.B. I’ve excerpted some details from a scholarly article. My brief blog is by no means comprehensive in any way. I hope the tidbits of personal experience add to the mix. I’m most fortunate and grateful to be able to continue treating my patients via telepsychiatry without a glitch thanks to Fieve Psychiatry (212-249-1600) and our manager Paula Puia. With her technical skills and know-how, she rapidly set up the system that offers confidentiality via Skype. She and the staff process the paperwork to secure reimbursement from a variety of insurance companies.